Past Events / Present Realities
‘That which one generation chooses to forget, another is forced to remember’ Anon.
Sometimes, we may become aware of certain patterns recurring through past generations and how they can still effect us now. For example, it might be medical problems, mental health issues, unresolved grief, recurring injustices, family scapegoat who gets blamed for everything.
Suicide. Addiction.
Repeated issues unresolved.
I have a deep interest in exploring Generational Healing, especially after attending a seminar with Fr Jim Cogley Psychotherapist. After reading his book on ‘The Ancestral Self’ I felt inspired and very curious to deepen my knowledge on this issue, in order to further assist my clients in this area.
As quoted in his book on ‘The Ancestral Self ‘ we are the product not just of our personal history but also our past ancestral history. How our past shapes us and also perhaps how Family Patterns may be re-occurring through different generations in our Ancestral History.
Help Is Available
Our lives are defined not by what happens to us, but rather by what we do with what happens to us.
We can all get lost in the Fog of life sometimes. So now might be a good time to take this opportunity to consider attending counselling to help lift that fog and gain more clarity and understanding. To learn new coping skills in order to heal and move forward from your past trauma issues.
Through exploration and awareness in counselling, we all have the capacity to heal and hopefully move forward in our lives.
Please get in touch to find out more or book an appointment.